David and Dorothy Mulitz Davidson

David and Dorothy Mulitz Davidson

The David and Dorothy Mulitz Davidson Scholarship at Montgomery College was created by friends and admirers of David and Dorothy Davidson who wanted to create a way to honor their legacy of public service. They decided there was no better way than to help young people who are committed to helping others. So they established a scholarship to assist financially needy students at Montgomery College who also demonstrate a strong commitment to serving their community.

When presented with the idea, Dorothy was shocked. “Why us?” she asked, “We are not special or famous.”

She was wrong. The Davidson Scholarship Fund kicked off in 2005 to a packed crowd at the Women’s Club of Chevy Chase, attended by some of Maryland’s highest-serving elected officials. Since then, hundreds of donors who respect and value the Davidsons’ many contributions to Montgomery County — and their shared commitment to creating a better world — have supported the Fund generously.

David and Dorothy were true models of civic engagement. They were driven by a strong sense of empathy and compassion and a desire to improve the lives of others. Through their abiding belief in the power of government to do good – and their countless hours of work, fueled by an insatiable passion – they not only touched the lives of thousands, but inspired many other to become activists themselves.

A legendary campaign strategist, Dorothy focused her attention on supporting candidates at the local, state, and national level who embodied her values and who believed that government was an instrument for improving people’s lives. She worked tirelessly organizing precincts and training young people on the mechanics of grassroots mobilization. For her, there was nothing more important than finding and supporting individuals of high character and integrity who would always pursue justice. What’s more, she never did any political work for money. She was the consummate volunteer.

Like Dorothy, David dedicated his life to advancing social justice. He spend his career in the federal government – primarily as an attorney and advocate for organized labor and then as an administrative law judge. He served as Chief Judge of the National Labor Relations Board in the 1990’s. David was also a leader in the Reform Jewish movement, having chaired the Religions Action Center’s Commission on Social Action, and was a fierce champion for the rights of the poor. He was co-founder and leader of Mobile Med, which provides health care to thousands of low-income residents in Montgomery County. When Dorothy convinced David to join her work on campaigns, and he put his intellectual heft into providing sage advice to candidates.

The Davidson Scholarship’s core mission, generously supported by donors, is to encourage future generations to carry on the values and commitment to public service that defined the Davidsons’ work. Davidson Scholars aspire to a diverse array of careers. They volunteer for causes they believe in. They are committed to making a difference and making their world a better place. Most importantly, they keep David and Dorothy’s legacy alive.